Health Apostolate

"We enclose the sick in our arms, to quiet their hunger and soothe their pain."
M. M. Theresa Scherer

Our Sisters are working in two Health Units:
In Kikyusa the sisters started the health as they saw the need of the people who were suffering from various diseases.
The Saint Ulrika Health Center at Kiziba Parish belongs to the diocese where our sisters are collaborating in serving the people.
The Saint Padre Pio Health Center at Busunju belongs to the Capuchin Fathers where our sisters are rendering their service.
In the Health centers we render curative, preventive, palliative and rehabilitative services. We acknowledge that 75% of the diseases is preventable - hence we give health education to improve hygiene and sanitation, vaccination against child killer diseases, good nutrition and other preventive measures such as use of insecticide treated nets to safeguard from Malaria. Thus we aim at increasing health awareness and promoting community participation in health care delivery and utilization of health services. Here access to health facilities and health care in general for women is further influenced by decision making processes in families. Hence the factors responsible for maternal deaths are – delay to seek care, delay to reach facilities and intra-institutional delay to provide timely and appropriate care.
Early sexual involvement of girls has led to unplanned and unwanted pregnancies with evidences of high incidence of unsafe abortions and its related complications in the young girls.
HIV prevalence among pregnant women attending Antenatal is estimated to 20 – 30% but some of them do not return for delivery to the health center resulting in child morbidity and mortality due to pneumonia, diarrhea, infections and complications.
Communicable diseases are a burden in this remote area with HIV/AIDS, TB and Malaria being the leading causes of ill health.
We try our best to give them services within our reach and we know it is just a drop in the ocean.